Sunday, February 14, 2021

Inseparable ━━✫・*。

The love between Hubert and Nel is a sweet love. ♡(*^^*)♡
Happy Heart's Day, Happy Valentine's Day. ❤️💗💖


  1. Such a sweet and lovely picture of Skyrim's happiest couple.
    To be fair though... I'm pretty sure every day is Valentine's Day for Nelbert.
    Just like every day is Venison Chop day for Saphir.

    1. No truer words were ever spoken.
      Yes, yes, yes for Nelbert. Always a love day for them.♡
      As for Saphir the huskymuffin and his love of the v-chops,
      a day without a venison chop wouldn't be a day at all, now would it?
