Monday, March 21, 2022

Apples + 5 Years ━━✫・*。

Nelbert find themselves near an apple orchard. Nel wants to pick apples! 🍎🍏🍎
There are lots of sweet things to make with apples. Yum! ^^
Hubert looks on lovingly... awww. *lovelovelove* ❤️🌹❤️
It's 5 years today that I made my first post on this Nelbert Skyrim blog of mine! 🎉🎇🎊
Hubert is still my muse whom I adore (my version of him, but you already know that)
and of course, my Nelbert RP is my super happy place.
I love Nel and Hubert very much! ♡(/^-^(^ ^*)
I love making mods, editing, creating, feeling inspired, brainstorming,
and getting excited for new Nelbert stuffs. (^-^*)/


  1. 5 years... Just to think Skyrim was remastered twice in that time frame. :)
    Thank you for sharing your awesome stories and adventures in modding with the world.
    To 5 more years of Nelbert!!!

    1. Thank you!
      That was super nice to read :)
      Lots more wholesome Nelbert too.('▽ `*)
      Yay :):):)
