Tuesday, June 12, 2018

My Weekend and Some Modding Advice ━━✫・*。

My weekend involved reinstalling Skyrim. It all started Saturday when I was doing some modding and needed to get back into the CK when the CK flashed an error and closed. I tried loading the game through the usual SKSE and the game just "stopped working" before it could even load to the main menu. I've rarely had to fix my game and when I did have to fix it, it wasn't difficult to track down the issue. I couldn't think what the problem was. Nothing had changed and I didn't add anything new. I backed up my mods onto an hd and deleted/reinstalled Skyrim and the CK. Once reinstalled I loaded up the vanilla game and it worked fine. The same with the CK. This was good and I was making progress. I started slowly moving my mods over beginning with SKSE, and the latest FNIS, the important stuff. No problems. I placed all my esms, esps, and textures over, no problems. The same for my scripts, sound, music, seq, interface, strings, skse, and these folders were fine, and I was able to load the game and CK with them.
It's when I added my meshes folder that I couldn't open the CK or the game once again.
So I removed the entire folder and started to move a few folders back in (this would take a while).
When I moved the actors folder in,  there was that problem, and that's when it dawned on me... had I done something that day that I forgot about? Well yes I did. I made a back up archive folder within Hubert's folder. I had three folders within Hubert's of backed up meshes I had been working on and I thought I would tidy up and put them into an archive within his folder. I cut the folder and put it on my desktop. I tried opening the CK and it loaded. The same went for Skyrim, it loaded.

This was the first time I experienced such a problem. I've been playing and modding these games for years and never had an issue like that! It was so uncomfortable because I didn't know what went wrong. So my advice? Please be careful if making back up folders within folders. It really didn't make sense why it happened but it definitely taught me a lesson. Back those folders up somewhere else! I normally do hard back ups onto my other drives but in this case I left an archive within Hubert's folder. It's apparent the CK/Skyrim did not like this because as soon as I take the files out of the archive folder and place them loosely into Hubert's folder I can load the CK/Skyrim. So it's not an actual mesh causing the problem, it's literally the folder I made. So weird, but I'm very glad it's fixed.
I was really happy to see Hubert again. You have no idea. I gave him a big hug! I missed him so much!

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